Mac OS 10.15 Catalina DO NOT UPGRADE

Apple has launched its new Mac OS 10.15 Catalina today. As we have recommended before, if you have a Mac that serves a critical work function, DO NOT UPGRADE to this new version of the Mac OS. IS&T has issued a similar warning this morning recommending that no one perform this upGRADE.

Like the previous 7 releases of the Mac OS, it is filled with bugs and compatibility issues. Some of the early reports include but are not limited to old applications no longer working, iTunes not working, WiFi failing to work, iPhone unable to sync to the computer, video card glitches, etc.

The only machines that should have 10.15 Catalina on it are new machines recently purchased from Apple. Catalina was designed specifically for the new machine hardware.

Since Apple supports the last 3 versions of the Mac OS, users are recommended to keep the original version of the Mac OS their machine came with to maximize performance, compatibility, and stability.

Remember, it is ok to do the upDATES for your current Mac OS version (Mohave 10.14, High Sierra 10.13, and for now 10.12 Sierra) but never do the upGRADE to 10.15 Catalina.

Please let us know if anyone has any questions or concerns.